Friday, January 15, 2010

Swimming breakthrough

So far this month I've been taking advantage of my gym membership and of the "off-season" lull to practice swimming--all part of my pursuit to transform myself from two-thirds a triathlete into a full one--and I'm pleased to report a major breakthrough: I don't hate swimming anymore.

Through weeks of chlorine and diligence, I may have only marginally improved my front crawl form and have only marginally increased my slower-than-a-crawl speed, but my newfound enjoyment of water is very pleasing in its own. I find myself losing track of the lap count and just swimming back and forth, experimenting with different techniques, maybe focusing on my legs one lap and my head angle the next, or just losing myself in the happy place of exercise.

It may be that I'm in that notorious sweet spot as a beginner where I'm making visible progress in a sport and haven't yet plateaued my way to boredom, but right now I'd rank swimming somewhere between running and bicycling in terms of enjoyment.

Okay, admittedly that's not saying much.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome Craig! Swimming is amazing after you get over the hump of being bad at it :] Struggling in the water feels like drowning but gliding through it is fantastic :]

Anonymous said...

Yup. Swiming, several pegs higher than drowning.