Thursday, January 28, 2010

No news is good news

I'm quitting the news. We'll see how this goes.

This is one of my latest self-improvement projects. I've decided that mainstream, non-local news doesn't have a net positive impact on my life, especially when considering the opportunity cost of consuming it, and so I'm doing the rationally obvious thing and quitting it.

Out is political news, which is chaotic and depressing; out is market news, which is chaotic and irrelevant; out are industry- and advocacy-specific news sites, such as Slashdot and The Oil Drum, which are noisy and prone to group-think.

In are friends' blogs, which impact me personally and meaningfully; in are sites that educate me in ideas rather than in events; in is spending more time writing, even if it's for my own irrelevant blog, rather than spending the time consuming.

Well see how this goes.


Lindsey said...

Big fat *LIKE* on this post.

I hate the news. I've always hated national news, but felt in the past that it was responsible to watch the local news to some degree. Well good grief, all it does is make me a paranoid mess, as well as a more sour cynic and a conspiracy theorist. I am a scaredy-cat already without the help of the local news networks! When we got cable (I know, you don't watch tv, but bear with me) we also got DVR. We suddenly had the ability to easily record whatever we wanted to watch and completely filter out or ignore what we didn't. I think that was 2 years ago, and I left the news behind quite happily. Now if I want to flip on the tv for a little vegging, I don't "have" to watch whatever happens to be on. And since I like to watch cooking shows (which have improved my cooking--forgive me for what happened when you came over here to visit, usually I can actually make meals that are somewhat enjoyable) and some science programs, tv can be an enjoyably educational experience for us. I'm not suggesting you go back to tv...I'm just completely on your team when it comes to ditching the news. I hate the newspaper, too.

Lindsey said...

I'm sure this was implied, but I meant to say that I truly think that the news made me depressed. In a real way, I walked around more down and frustrated with life and the world when I was watching the news semi-regularly. I notice this happens even still if I click a news story link from my email homepage to a story about anything grisly or upsetting. It can really spoil my whole day and affect the way I treat my children. I feel even worse about life and the human race if I let myself read comments below the stories on whatever news website.

Anonymous said...

I all for the no news thing if you blog more. Will you be changing the name of your blog to Even More Craig?
That number has people ready to answer your call and get you set up with a bundle that would include award winning high speed internet and video service with a DVR ( Lindsey the DVR helps me be a better parent and husband so I get where you are coming from on that).
Think about it CMB. Bundlicious!