Laura was one of Tuesday's lucky 10,000: she got to watch an episode of MST3K for the first time.
Days before, during our trip to the local public library, she alerted me to the library's new stash of MST3K episodes. Public libraries—having given up on silence decades ago and going through the process of giving up on literacy now—are great video rental places these days. Laura walked me over to a stack of MST3K DVDs, which I flipped through without recognizing any of the episodes. Choosing one at whim, I, ever lured by religious studies, got a gem called The Touch of Satan.
It was a Mike episode. I explained to Laura that with MST3K there are Joel episodes and there are Mike episodes. Joel started the show and was the host for the first five years; then Mike took over as host for the remaining seasons. Joel episodes are generally funnier. (Oh yes, flame on, o' Internet people!)
But The Touch of Satan was as good as any MST3K episode as I've ever seen. And the best that Laura has ever seen. Though she doesn't usually laugh out loud much when watching shows or movies, she lost herself in many air-sucking, convulsive laugh loops throughout the hour and a half we watched.
Lucky 10,000 indeed.
Josh tried to make me watch that once. LOL
JEC: " Public libraries—having given up on silence decades ago and going through the process of giving up on literacy now—are great video rental places these days" is one of the great sentences ever posted, well done. MST3K is fantastic as well, glad to remember it.
Lindsey— You sound less than worshipful of MST3K. For shame!
Bobby et al.— Thanks.
Librarian Aunt Geri has made a formal complaint about this comment: "Public libraries—having given up on silence decades ago and going through the process of giving up on literacy now—" and feels you deserve a slap for it. I said that this comment was made in jest, but she doesn't buy it.
Laura— Well, Librarian Aunt Geri can take it up with fellow JEC reader Bobby et al., who wrote of the same sentence: it “is one of the great [sic] sentences ever posted, well done.”
Maybe Librarian Aunt Geri can debate Bobby et al. over the sentence in an IQ-Squared-style debate. I'll moderate with all the impartiality Bob Costas showed in the debate on doping.
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