Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hike #45: Tempe

Thursday, 2015-06-11
‘A’ Mountain
½ hour
First hike from the new apartment

Laura and I moved apartments last weekend. For the first time since 2006, I live in a city other than Phoenix. Welcome to Tempe, pronounced tem-PEE, with the accent on the second syllable, and I should make an effort to say it right after saying it wrong for the last nine years.

Wikipedia says Tempe is named after the Vale of Tempe, a gorge in Greece. Greece makes me think of mythology, and a phoenix is a mythological bird, so really the cities are very similar. They're also adjacent.

Hike #44: Blah blah blah

Thursday, 2015-06-04
Flat loop hike, from the 40th St Trailhead
1 hour
Last hike at the 40th St Trailhead?

Another day, another aimless walk around the unnamed trails in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.

Hike #43: Don't stand too close to a rattlesnake

Thursday, 2015-05-28
TwoBit Peak, from the 40th St Trailhead
1½ hour
Saw another rattlesnake

Today's hike was a slower-than-normal hike up and down TwoBit. There was that rattlesnake, and there was that older gentleman chasing the snake off trail, over terrain that one could fall off the mountain from, and there was the rattlesnake rattling its tail with the man standing two feet away, trying to get a closer view for his camera. But other than that, nothing much happened.