Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hikes #82 - 83

Hike #82

Wednesday, 2015-12-23
‘A’ Mountain
½ hour
Morning hike

Hike #83

Wednesday, 2015-12-23
Papago Park
1 hour
Evening trail run

I started another blog, Const Volatile. It's where I'll write about software stuff. So far, CV has one post: a how-to article about setting up hibernation in Debian using a just-in-time swap file. If that sentence makes your eyes glaze over then CV is not for you.

At the risk of adding misery to boredom, I'll note CV is hosted on GitHub. That means all of the source code is publicly accessible. I statically render the site on my laptop using a program called Hugo, then I push source code and final output to my Git repo. In addition to my one post, I created a theme from scratch, which I call “simplicitism.” It has a decidedly retro look-and-feel, circa 1998 sans <blink> tag. CV is a work-in-progress.


Bobby and the Presidents said... decided I'd follow your other blog too, ya know, just cause...who knows, maybe I'll learn something? No. No, I won't learn anything, I just checked it out and realized I do not intend to learn enough to be able to learn anything from such an impressively over my head post. Good job? So, don't consider my hit a new user hit, just know that I'm glad you have the new blog and wish you well with it.

Will we soon see a "Books read by JEC in 2015" post? I might be able to follow that and learn from it :).

Craig Brandenburg said...

Bobby, thanks for following along. Are you using the RSS feed? That's
the site's first and only feature. The second feature will be a user
comment system.

As for my 2015 reading log, I'll publish it this week.

Bobby and the Presidents said...

I have now subscribed via RSS feed...looking forward to the confusing content! and the reading log.