Thursday, April 12, 2012

A diversion on my way to Squaw Peak

Today I rode my carbon fiber bike to work. Sometimes one tires of driving the pickup truck to work everyday and opts for the sports car instead. That was me today.

On the way home I opted to climb the Squaw Peak Drive hill to take advantage of all that lightweight plastic I was sitting on. But before I got to the hill my attention was diverted by some drama going on in the AZ Canal.

Mom leads her ducklings towards rough water. Dad looks on.

Mom discovers the water is calmest in the middle. Dad loses patience and makes a break.

It's just a small rise, says Mom. The ducklings disagree.

Unable to swim up the rise, the ducklings are again joined with Mom. Dad whooshes down the water slide. Whee!


Grubby said...

Love this photo sequence.

Craig Brandenburg said...

Grubby— Glad you do.