At least this much happens to everyone: you've closed your eyes but haven't yet fallen deeply into sleep. Suddenly there's a loud sound, such as the slamming of a door or the ringing of a phone, and you're startled awake.
What does that sound feel like to you?
I feel a curious sensation whenever I'm startled awake this way. I see the sound. The part of me that's jolted awake is done so by sight. What I see—every time—is a sudden flash that looks a lot like TV static. Whatever I was seeing before, whatever nascent dream was working its way through my unconscious mind, is replaced by a blinding flash of snowy noise that then fades out, just as if turning off a CRT. Then my mind hears the sound, and I awake and open my eyes—peeved but aware of what awoke me.
How many other people feel this sensation?
Fascinating, but to answer your subject question directly -- I don't think so. Let me get back to you.
Bobby et al.— That's possibly the hardest comment to respond to I've received all years. Thanks?
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